Offshore & Privacy Secrets
June 28, 2000
Robert Smith

>> "Offshore & Privacy Secrets, June 28, 2000" <<
Published by OPC International


[1] Welcome!
[2] Move Money Without Trace
[3] Beyond World Government
[4] NewsBriefs
[5] Feedback
[6] Glossary
[7] Quote of the Week

[1] Welcome!

Dear Friends,

The latest attacks on offshore havens seem to have had the
"desired" effect: Confusion and uncertainty. We received lots
of emails inquiring about the future of offshore havens... and
it's no surprise at all, considering the events that took place
over the past few weeks. (You'll find links to the respective
reports in the NewsBriefs section.)

First of all, there was the announcement that Austria would
finally abolish the anonymous Sparbuch.

Then, the agreement of EU countries to abolish banking secrecy
within the EU until 2008, and to attempt to force non-EU members
to follow suit.

Next, the letters of five former offshore havens to the OECD,
wimpishly stating that they would join the fight against "abusive
tax evasion"

Then, the FATF's (Financial Action Task Force) publication of a
list of countries that are currently being used for "money laundering".

And last not least, the OECD's publication of a very similar list,
containing countries that engage in "harmful tax practices":

The FATF's list includes:

Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Dominica, Israel, Lebanon,
Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Panama, the Phili-
ppines, Russia, St Kitts and Nevis, and St Vincent.

The OECD's list is more comprehensive and includes the following

Anguilla, Andorra, Antigua, Aruba, the Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados,
Belize, the British Virgin Islands, the Channel Islands of Guernsey,
Sark and Alderney, the Cook Islands, Dominica, Gibraltar, Grenada,
Isle of Man, Jersey, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Marshall
Islands, Monaco, Montserrat, Nauru, Netherlands Antilles, Niue,
Panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Seychelles,
Tonga, Turks and Caicos, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Western Samoa.

Havens included on both lists are:

The Bahamas, the Cook Islands, Dominica, Liechtenstein, the
Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Panama, St Kitts and Nevis,
St. Vincent

Some of the named countries are vehemently attacking the OECD's
report, claiming that it is economic blackmail. They do not realize
that being included on these lists is an endorsement more than
anything else! It's like a Top 25 List of tax havens with strong
banking privacy laws.


In addition to having added and removed some havens from our members
only offshore haven page, we are currently compiling a list of the
"Top 10 Offshore Havens". Which havens offer the best offshore envir-
onment and, most importantly, will continue to stand up against the
high tax countries - i.e. countries that routinely steal 50%+ of their
productive citizens's income, and act as if it were the most natural
thing in the world?

We welcome your input and invite you to submit your opinions and
experiences by return email.

As always - live free!

Robert Smith
OPC International

PS: We'll be taking the next week off and will resume publishing
on July 10th! Be sure to join the Offshore & Privacy Club; it
has just become easier than ever to do so. You can join right
now by credit card, online check, e-gold, Western Union, PayPal
and money order.

We're adding new information to the secret members only site
all the time - don't miss out!

Check out the full benefits at:

Then sign up and gain immediate access!

[2] Move Money Without Trace

There are many different ways to move money to and from your
offshore account - but remember, some ways are better than others!

Bank Draft/Cashier's Check. This is still a good way, provided
you don't send too large an amount at one time. You can purchase
a Draft from most banks and do not need to fully identify yourself.

Telegraphic/Wire Transfer. This is okay if you're moving money
from one offshore account to another - but don't do it from your
home country to your offshore account, as it will both advise
the bank of where the funds are coming from - and where they
are going to. And banks may be required to report amounts above
certain limits.

Personal/Company Cheque. This method is also too easily traced -
both where it's going and where it's from, and should never be
used to shift your funds from "onshore" to "offshore".

Cheque Recycling. If you can endorse any incoming cheques over
to your creditors, then you will be able to hide the existence
of that money.

Secured Credit Cards. With deposit backed cards, you don't have
to provide the same level of personal identification - even
better if a trust owns the account. That way you can access
funds from ATMs or purchase goods and services without attract-
ing any attention.

Money Market Accounts. You can write a personal cheque to your
money market account, then use a money market cheque to move
funds to your offshore account. This still leaves a paper trail
of sorts, but is difficult to uncover, especially if you later
close the money market account.

International Money Order. In some countries you can still
purchase these from the Post Office. They have the advantage
of being anonymous.

Western Union. You can use this service to make fast money
transfers. It costs more than what banks charge, but you can
retain your privacy - provided you keep the transfers below
certain limits.

Travelers Cheques. This is a very good way to move funds -
provided you don't attract attention to yourself by purchasing
too many from the same source.

First Class Airline Tickets. This is an unusual one. With an
open first class air ticket, you are able to gain a refund if
you later change your plans. Armed with a "high value" ticket,
you have in your hands a nice "invisible" and convertible form
of money.

Rare Stamps. Another highly unusual one! Buy some rare and
expensive ($2,000+) stamps at home, put them into a small paper
bag along with other, regular stamps, and travel offshore (or
send them ahead by mail/courier). Then sell the stamps to a
stamps dealer, and deposit the cash into your offshore account.
Works just as fine the other way round.

[3] Beyond World Government

It has become quite fashionable, even and especially in liber-
tarian circles, to applaud the upcoming "demise of the nation
state" and the "rise of Sovereign Individuals".

And even though it is obvious that the nation state is about
to lose much of its power and individuals are gaining ever more
control over their own lives, it could also turn out to be all
to easy for a more encompassing entity to "take over" where the
nation state left off. And indeed, there is one such organization
in place right now which has the potential to literally take
over the world - the United Nations.


This article is much too long to be published here in its
entirety, but we've made it available in the OPC Members
Section. To join the OPC, and to find out the truth about
the threat of world government, click here:

[4] NewsBriefs

Attacks on Offshore Havens

First of all, there was the announcement that Austria would
finally abolish the anonymous Sparbuch:

Then, the agreement of EU countries to abolish banking secrecy
within the EU until 2008, and to attempt to force non-EU members
to follow suit:

Then, the letters of five former offshore havens to the OECD,
wimpishly stating that they would join the fight against "abusive
tax evasion":

Then, the FATF's (Financial Action Task Force) publication of
a list of countries that are currently being used for "money

And last not least, the OECD's publication of a very similar
list, containing countries that engage in "harmful tax practices":


Brits Tone Down Email Bill

The British government tabled a series of amendments to its bill
allowing police and security services to view private emails on
Tuesday to head off a brewing revolt in the upper chamber of

Government sources said ministers wanted to define more clearly
what information police could have access to without a warrant.

Home Office (interior ministry) minister Charles Clarke has also
signaled he would look at the potential cost to business of the
Regulation and Investigatory Powers Bill.,1283,37261,00.html

If the UK spy plan is implemented, many businesses would leave
the UK, fearing the loss of commercial confidentiality. Now the
bureaucrats are waking up to this too and are reconsidering
their plans.


Germany Wants To Censor The World

Germany's justice minister Tuesday called for global rules
against hate speech on the Internet and urged stronger self-
regulation by Web companies to beat racism and xenophobia.

"What is forbidden offline must be forbidden online," Herta
Däubler-Gmelin told a conference in Berlin on hate speech on
the Web.

"Given the global character of the Internet, our goal must
be to achieve a global value consensus and to agree an inter-
national minimum level of regulation.",1283,37251,00.html

Another country trying to impose its authoritarian moral
standards on the world...


Lawmakers Send $1.3 billion to Colombia

House and Senate leaders agreed to add $1.3 billion to funds
used to further escalate Colombia's simmering, drug-fueled civil war.

Why don't they just legalize drugs and give those $1.3 billion
back to the people the money belongs to - the US taxpayers?

[5] Feedback

Last week I was speculating about French efforts to censor the
Internet. A reader confirmed that this was more than speculation:

"You are right!

That has been done:

1) Some of the major French ISPs block all email from Cyberpass/
Supernews/Altopia, these emails are DELETED and not sent to

2) ALL FRENCH ISPs block ALL anonymous remailers, and Supernews/
Cyberpass/Altopia in ALL "fr." Usenet newsgroups!

There's currently a fight between those nazis and freedom
fighters: Freedom fighters just finished to build a "cancelbot",
which cancels ALL posts in the french Usenet groups!

War has begun!


Another reader informed us about the upcoming demise of the
Bahamas as an offshore center:

"I was informed by an absolutely committed and invaluable
provider of very specialised offshore services, (International
law degrees, ex CIA, veteran of many world theatres etc.) that
the Bahamas has just caved in to U.S. pressure. The Government
of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas has agreed to divulge to
the I.R.S. and to the ghastly C.C.R.A. (former Revenue Canada)
information on beneficial owners of corporations, holders of
personal bank accounts etc.

The Bahamas has now given up, and joined the bureaucratic
looters in their ongoing socialist crusade for wealth distri-

As usual, thanks for all your feedback!

[6] Glossary

* Bearer Share Certificate

A negotiable share certificate made out in the name of the
bearer and not in the name of a particular person or organization.

[7] Quote of the Week

"If men use their liberty in such a way as to surrender their
liberty, are they thereafter any the less slaves? If people by
a plebiscite elect a man despot over them, do they remain free
because the despotism was of their own making?"

Herbert Spencer (1884)

OPC International
Global Village Idiot's Guide
Pirates of the Caribbean: Offshore Traps

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