Direcway in Honduras
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Product Centre: Telecommunications

Direcway 2-way Satellite Internet service is now available in Honduras. Service is now available in Roatan, Utila, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, Danli, La Ceiba, Puerto Cortes, and other remote locations. We have recently returned from Trujillo, Honduras where we installed a 1.2 meter Direcway satellite dish. Using the new DW7000 modem or the DW6000 modem, the Direcway 2-way Satellite Internet system connects to the internet at around 1000K download and 100K upload. More bandwidth at faster speeds is available for an increased monthly fee.

Trujillo, Honduras is on the northern coast along the Caribbean Sea at the foothills of the mountains easing their way into the sea. Lush green jungle surrounds this idyllic village. The beach is a popular holiday destination for Hondurans and tourists alike. And the fishing is great.

Direcway is also available in Puerto Cortes, La Ceiba, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, the Bay Islands and other remote areas.
Contact us for availability in your area.

The Direcway 1.2 meter dish was brought down by plane as extra baggage from Toronto. $200 was paid to the airline for the extra baggage, and another $50 was paid in Honduras for ... well, 'taxes'. The Direcway 1.2 meter dish is large enough that it requires a 2.75" pipe cemented into the ground for mounting. We had to worry about cows coming by and rubbing against the dish so we put the 8"x8" reinforced cement post 7 feet off the ground.

This 1.2m dish works fine in Honduras -- even in cloudy weather. The longest the signal may go out is a couple of minutes during very heavy rain. But usually, as long as you have power, you are online. We have weathered a few hurricanes with no electriciy or phone services, but with a generator and our Direcway satellite system we were able to connect to the internet and track the storms, and stay in touch with family and friends. It is a very reliable system.

For Direcway Satellite Broadband Pricing and Options in Honduras - click here.

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