Tax Refusal In Canada
Daniel J. Lavigne

Tax Refusal

And Seeking A


Much has been said about the Tax Refusal as it continues to spread a message
of hope and determination to a world that had abandoned its duty to reject

the will of evil as expressed and guided by the vile and violent.

Little of that which has been voiced by fearful
bureaucrats and their masters has been based on fact.

Adverse comments coming from governments, their employees or tax-funded
organizations, with respect to the lawful right and duty of all to participate in the

Tax Refusal, are grounded on the shoals of self-interest and have no basis in law.

Indeed, in Canada, taxation authorities and similar interest organizations
have failed in their foolish and unlawful attempts to deceive Canadians with

respect to their unassailable right and unavoidable duty to refuse to support

the nation while it actively participates in plans and preparations that are

predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

Those unlawful acts confirm the reality that governments dare not
openly confront the Tax Refusal as they recognize the reality that:

(a) The Tax Refusal is a lawful act of dissent against societal insanity utilizing a
citizen's right and duty to conduct themselves in accordance with "The Rule Of Law"

and the Principles so properly and forcefully enunciated at the Trials and Judgments

following the end of the Second World War; and

(b) Any attempt to force individuals to reject their right and duty to live
in accordance with "The Rule Of Law" and the Nuremberg Principles is unlawful

and an act of Treason against nations that have committed themselves to uphold

"The Rule Of Law" and the Principles now enshrined in Humanity's Conscience; and

(c) Taxation laws and other enactments calling upon populations at large
to support their nations
ARE SUBJECT to the lawful and proper application of
"The Rule Of Law" and the lawful requirement that all citizens recognize and

act on their unassailable right and unavoidable duty to acknowledge and heed

the Nuremberg Principles and to do so regardless the costs or consequences to

themselves or their nations; and

will simply aid and assist the Tax Refusal's publicly stated goal of forcing humanity

to face a day wherein it will suffer a total and all-out use of all nuclear and other

Weapons Of Mass Murder,
or accept a future wherein no nation will
have weapons with which to force the balance to do their bidding.

simply said

The Tax Refusal

will achieve its goal; and our limited choice,

Flourish, or Perish,

will end our present acceptance of the will of evil.

Indeed, with the spreading realization that nations purporting to be subject
to "The Rule Of Law" cannot lawfully force their citizens to reject their

adherence to the guiding precepts of life lived under such rule, many, in

order that their neighbours not have unfair financial advantage over

them, are now joining the Tax Refusal and obtaining their


You are invited to do the same.

The following pages will help you understand more about your right and duty to act
in accordance with "The Rule Of Law" and the lawful requirements of the Principles

that were so properly and LETHALLY enunciated at the Trials and Judgments at

Nuremberg following the insanity of the Second World War.

They will also inform you "WHY" all must assist a process leading to a necessary
"MORAL CORRECTION", or face the reality that the coming "END OF OIL" will

cause humanity to suffer a total and all-out use of all nuclear and other

Weapons Of Mass Murder
; with no chance of avoiding such use
unless the Tax Refusal succeeds in having the majority of

humanity recognize that a higher sense of the worth and

meaning of
"Human Dignity" is all that stands between
us and man's wilful extinction of all life on the planet.

The Question
"Does birth as a human being truly condemn one to paying taxes to, or
otherwise supporting, a society so cowardly and lost to the madness

of greed as to wilfully participate in plans and preparations that are

based on a sure and certain will and capacity to use nuclear and

Weapons of Mass Murder; and mock thereby
the very meaning of existence?"

Simply Said . . Say . . "ENOUGH!" . . And Join

The Tax Refusal

Thank You.

Daniel J. Lavigne, Founder, Co-ordinator
International Humanity House

Suite 48, 3901 Don Mills Road

North York, Ontario, Canada

M2H 2S7



(c) Copyright 2025