Merry Christmas 2021
Eric Schaub

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Greetings and salutations! May all that is good and true be with you!

Another year has passed, and I must admit that it has taken a toll on the heart and soul of your humble Editor. But I am not alone, and this is bigger than any one of us.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
~ Plato
(429-347 BC) Greek philosopher

The Tree of Liberty has been facing heavy storms as of late, and we have been hunkering down. Who among us thought that "15 days to slow the spread" would lead to 2 years of lock-downs, vaccine mandates, travel and work restrictions, mask-wearing, and totalitarian censorship of any rebuttal or evidence of harm -- all accompanied with massive hypocrisy and profit-making by the 'leaders' and their sycophants.

"One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence."
~ Charles Austin Beard
(1874-1948) Professor at Columbia University

"The three aims of the tyrant are, one, the humiliation of his subjects; he knows that a mean-spirited man will not conspire against anybody; two, the creation of mistrust among them; for a tyrant is not to be overthrown until men begin to have confidence in one another -- and this is the reason why tyrants are at war with the good; they are under the idea that their power is endangered by them, not only because they will not be ruled despotically, but also because they are too loyal to one another and to other men, and do not inform against one another or against other men -- three, the tyrant desires that all his subjects shall be incapable of action, for no one attempts what is impossible and they will not attempt to overthrow a tyranny if they are powerless."
~ Aristotle
(384-322 BC) Greek philosopher
Politics, Book V Chapter 11.

How will we resolve this? The truth shall set us free, or else we shall remain bound.
Are we being told the truth about the virus?
Are we being told the truth about its origins?
What happened to the flu season?
Can the PCR test tell the difference between Covid and Influenza?
Why are millions forced to be injected with an experimental and untested gene therapy (thus becoming GMOs - genetically-modified organisms) with total legal immunity for the drug manufacturers and law-makers?
Who is paying for all this?
Do hospitals get extra money from the government for anyone who tests positive?
Is the pandemic being used as an excuse to implement plans to consolidate more power by governments around the world?

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
~ Rahm Emanuel
(1959-) Mayor of Chicago, Chicago's first Jewish mayor
at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington, D.C., Nov 19, 2008

"They would be the shepherds over us, their sheep. Certainly such an arrangement presupposes that they are naturally superior to the rest of us. And certainly we are fully justified in demanding from the legislators and organizers proof of this natural superiority."
~ Frederic Bastiat
(1801-1850) [Claude Frederic Bastiat] French economist, statesman, and author.
"The Law" by Frederic Bastiat (1850)

There are many deceptions occurring here. Un-godly profits are being made while the world's central banks add massive new debts to the Western world while printing money into oblivion. Inflation is caused by an increase of the money supply without a corresponding increase in capital.

"It is the paper money created out of thin air that creates the unfair distribution of wealth that is making the middle class fall more behind and the poor more poor. Newly created money and credit in a paper money system benefits those that can access the money first and buy capital goods and real property at one price before the new money circulates and makes all prices go up. Wages also do not keep up with inflation and that creates another squeeze on the middle class."
~ Kenneth Gerbino
former chairman of the American Economic Council
The Great Deceit, May 28, 2010

    "Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.
    ...Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."

    ~ John Maynard Keynes
    (1883-1946) British economist
    The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919)

But how shall we know the truth? It must be sought! Propaganda is broadcast 24/7 for mass consumption. It is a show, with scripts and actors. It is meant to distract from the actual systemic oppression of the People.

"To be nobody but yourself -- in a world which is doing it's best, night and day, to make you like everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."
~ e. e. cummings
(1894-1962) American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright

"Why does it [government] always crucify Christ, and excommunicate Copernicus and Luther, and pronounce Washington and Franklin rebels?"
~ Henry David Thoreau
(1817-1862) American author, poet, philosopher, polymath, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and transcendentalist

My friend, we must stand up against the very real assaults on our Liberty. I ask that you declare yourself anew and defend against these authoritarian claims against you and your fellows. We are the stewards of the Liberty bequeathed to us by our forefathers.

"Posterity -- you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
~ John Quincy Adams
(1767-1848) 6th US President

"We, today, stand on the shoulders of our predecessors who have gone before us. We, as their successors, must catch the torch of freedom and liberty passed on to us by our ancestors. We cannot lose this battle."
~ Benjamin E. Mays

"You thus have no rights at all over our freedom of thought, you princes; no jurisdiction over that which is true or false; no right to determine the objects of our inquiry or to set limits to it; no right to hinder us from communicating the results, whether they be true or false, to whomever or however we wish."
~ Johann Gottlieb Fichte
(1762-1814) German philosopher, psychologist, considered the father of German nationalism

Can we see now that the lust for power and domination still resides within the hearts of governments and that their desire is insatiable? You and I and others with like-minds and a commitment to truth are the true front line in this battle. Let us take heart that we are not alone and are fulfilling our own responsibility to hold the line. It is not easy -- it is surely David versus Goliath.

"Censorship is contagious, and experience with this culture of regulation teaches us that regulatory enthusiasts herald each new medium of communications as another opportunity to spread the disease."
~ Robert Corn-Revere
Rationales and Rationalizations: Regulating the Electronic Media, 1997

"For the first time in history, the rational and the good are fully armed in the battle against evil. Here we finally find the answer to our paradox; now we can understand the nature of the social power held by evil. Ultimately, the evil, the irrational, truly has no power. The evil men???s control of morality is transient; it lives on borrowed time made possible only by the errors of the good. In time, as more honest men grasp the truth, evil???s stranglehold will be easily broken."
~ Andrew Bernstein
Professor of philosophy, writer
Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil, (2005.11.05 )

Today, the battle is for your very identity -- how you answer the questions "Who am I?" and "For what I am responsible?" How have you answered these questions? We answer them everyday through our actions. Do you believe you have the right to be the master of your own destiny? Are you acting in concert with your conscience? Do you stand up against arbitrary claims upon your person or property? Are you free? Do you deserve to be? Have a right to be?

"Zealotry of either kind -- the puritan's need to regiment others or the victim's passion for blaming everyone except himself -- tends to produce a depressing civic stupidity. Each trait has about it the immobility of addiction. Victims become addicted to being victims: they derive identity, innocence and a kind of devious power from sheer, defaulting helplessness. On the other side, the candlesnuffers of behavioral and political correctness enact their paradox, accomplishing intolerance in the name of tolerance, regimentation in the name of betterment."
~ Lance Morrow
(1939- ) Essayist, professor

"The First Amendment was never intended to insulate our public institutions from any mention of God, the Bible or religion. When such insulation occurs, another religion, such as secular humanism, is effectively established."
~ Crockett v. Sorenson
U.S. District Court stated in Crockett v. Sorenson, W.D. Va,. 1983

Good Lord, what is happening in the public school system is absolutely unconscionable with the gender-bending affirmations of the transgender movement. Call me old-fashioned (not a homophobe) but isn't this insane? Children's self-identity is under attack! Give me the 'superstition' of Christianity any day over this death cult religion. A war is being waged against the very culture and traditions upholding Liberty. To rewrite history, to reinvent the meaning of words. To erase the identify of a free people. Have no doubt, it is war.

"The battle for the world is the battle for definitions."
~ Thomas Szasz
(1920-2012) Hungarian-American Professor of Psychiatry, Author, Libertarian

"This is why political correctness, or Cultural Marxism,... lends itself so fashionably to easy labels. Transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, bigoted, Uncle Tom, white privilege, mainsplaining. All of these are slapped on people with "politically incorrect" opinions in an attempt to silence you. ..."
~ Steven Crowder
(1987-) Canadian-American actor, comedian, and political commentator
Why 'Hate Speech' Doesn't Exist, 12/10/2016

"Of all the tyrannies on human kind
the worst is that which persecutes the mind."

~ John Dryden
(1631-1700) English Poet
The Hind and the Panther, 1687

Let us then face the new year with vigour and faith in the fundamental principles of Truth, Love, Liberty and the Laws of Nature.

"We must pity the poor wretched, timid soul who is too faint-hearted to resist his oppressors. He sings the song of the dammed: ???I can???t fight back; I have too much to lose; I own too much property; I have worked too hard to get what I have; They will put me out of business if I resist; I might go to jail; I have my family to think about.??? Such poor miserable creatures have misplaced values and are hiding their cowardice behind pretended family responsibility -- blindly refusing to see that the most glorious legacy that one can bequeath to posterity is liberty; and that the only true security is liberty."
~ Marvin Cooley
Arizona tax protester, author of the book, The Big Bluff, documenting the struggles of his fellow anti-tax protester, W. Vaughn Ellsworth. Cooley was jailed for tax evasion in 1973 and 1989

"No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass."
~ George Washington
(1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'
1788, in a letter to Benjamin Lincoln, Ref: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (521)

On that note, thank you for your efforts (sung and unsung) to keep Liberty alive. By defending your rights, you protect the rights of others, and vice versa -- there is no other way! Liberation is a continuous process.

Your support is greatly appreciated -- click here to support us in the new year.

May the good Lord take a liking to you! Happy Holy Days!

Eric Schaub

(c) Copyright 2025

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